Showing posts with label Guidestar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guidestar. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2010

This just in: NPs are hurting.

This from the "wow, really?!" file: charitable groups and private foundations are having a hard time finding donations.

Last year nonprofit groups and organizations were finding it hard to meet demands. Now comes a report that this year they are having an even harder time. Not really a surprise to be totally honest here. Neither was the claim that some were forced to cut services while others had to lay off people or the corollary claim of switching from pay based to volunteer staff (though not as many went that route that I would have expected).

You can get more details by reading the actual survey here. Be sure and read the full survey (linked on that page) as the summary is a bit to simple to be very useful.

It got me wondering though on just how many of those know what a dedicated IT solution provider can do for them. In the survey it highlighted that demand increased for 63% of those surveyed so that means that over all they had even more reason to maintain their tech edge. Hard to do when you're bringing in less ... unless you know how to leverage your advantages. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Still the effect of the economy on NP's in general is sad. These are the people that you go to when all else fails. They fill the gaps left by state and federal cuts or just in areas that never got any coverage at all. Over 6,900 and if things keep going the way they are, we will see up to 547 disappear. I can only hope that I won't need one of those that end up fading away.